I figure maybe its meaning will help me focuse on a different prespective rather than normal feelings of total deslike, deprivation, wetness, etc. I found various meanings andI hope they will help us all accept it, by keeping this things in mind.
Have a great "wet" day - Don't forget your blaks and focuse on your feminine powers and look to the North...oooh yeap..bring un umbrela!
The color of Water’s is black and its direction north. This is a good time to remind you that Feng Shui literally means “wind” and “water,” so you can see that water is a meaningful element in our lives. Wind is said to disperse chi and water holds it. We are all mostly made up of water, as is the planet we live on.
Water is where life is thought to have originated and it’s important for reproduction, without it it’s difficult for fertilization to take place.
Water is the most plentiful element on the surface of our planet. Our bodies contain more water than anything else. Therefore, it’s obviously extremely important. To work best, water needs to move or flow. Stagnant water breeds rotting things and doesn’t fare well in any environment.
Water in feng shui is usually used in a fountain or aquarium. Even very small decorative fountains for indoors can be very helpful. However, when using water in your environment, keep it fresh and clean.
Listen to the rain - by gallopinto on Polyvore.com
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