Friday, September 25, 2009
My Dear Friend Army Wife ♥
This set is special to me. For making a set for someone is never easy! Is just as complicated as buying cloths for someone is always a disaster. Never the less "My Dear Army Wife friend in Polyvore is a fun person. But best of all she sounds like a delightful woman that puts love in all she does!! A friend of mine once told me her secret to buying cloths for someone else is A) when you don't know exactly what they like or want, buy accessories! With accessories you can have fun and buy things that would never wear but probably can use for decoration or maybe just maybe add a special touch to an outfit one day!!B) Pay attention and hear what she needs more than giving her the perfect dress give her the white stockings to go with it, know what a mean!! Well this is what I did with NiKki ★JNP587★ I made her a set that made me think about her!! The army, the blues, the sexy boot and jeans to be confi in. I really hope she likes it!!! Aurevoir a tous
My Indian Version of hw to wear a tutu
There is a lot of commotion on Polyvore at the moment, about tutus. I personally could never get my self to wear one. I think they look fabulous and all. Never the less only a some of a few can really get away with them. The rest of us would probably end up looking clownish!! (There I said it) In sets they look great, with all of the curls and colors but on a real body!!!! mmmm I really much doubt the results!! Is spite of it all, All power to you tutu wearable ladies have fun!!
mmmmm guess what I'm thinking!!!! =D
All the fun I had this week at Polyvore is depicted in this set! I am wordless now and I wanted to just give you a taste of what I have in mind. (LMFHO) I am finally getting ready to commit to something that I want to give my time and effort and I will begin soon. I hope to get good insights and support from all of you!! Please comment
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
My Birthday Wishes are True!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Life little Helpers to keep Healthy and Beautiful
Ther e is nothing wrong with a little gambling! by gallopinto featuring CHANEL bags
41. Yes, less is more… definitely. For everything!!
42. A little highlighter under the arch of the eyebrow and at the inner corners of the eye is a great tip for brightening and opening the eye.
43. Take your vitamins.
44. Unless you are playing volley-ball or a running track, short shorts are a seriously bad idea for pretty much everyone over twelve.
45. Long straight hair parted down the middle went out with Marsha Brady
46. Only purchase clothes you love.
47. Eat a few slices of avocado every day.
48. Enjoy your loved ones.
49. Have great posture.
50. Take care of your medical needs.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
!!!!You only live Once!!!!
Woman Magik by gallopinto featuring Giuseppe Zanotti heels & wedges
Be your best self!
Feel good about who you are!
31. Focus on your assets.
32. Get rid of all the make-up, hair supplies, and extra stuff you have around that take up space and create clutter in your dressing area.
33. Gray hair can look fabulous! Too dark or too light can look odd, fake, and even draining.
34. Sparkles, designs, and other attention grabbing designs on your butt do not help you look young.
35. Capris are really unflattering.
36. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important for anyone who wants to be healthy and vibrant.
37. See your health care professional.
38. Meditate every day.
39. Dressing like a hooker doesn't look youthful, it looks silly and tawdry (even on younger women).
40. Get your mammogram.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I am beautiful
Beautiful Black by gallopinto on
Be your best self!
Feel good about who you are!
3rd week
21. Elastic waistbands are seriously out!.
22. Suntan pantyhose, popular in the eighties (or was that the seventies) are out of style.
23. The length of a sweater, jacket or blouse should not be the same length of the sleeve.
24. If you are a large woman, don't wear little tiny prints, if you are very petite, stay away from huge prints.
25. Wear the lightest colors on the areas you want to draw attention to, the darkest colors on the areas you want least attention.
26. Wear clothes that fit you well.
27. Eliminate those foods you know do not agree with you..
28. A great haircut can do wonders for your mood and for your sense of style.
29. Wear sunscreen!
30. Engage in those activities that brighten your life.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Lunch at the National Theater
Tragick love!! - by gallopinto on
Feel good about who you are!
2nd week
11. Eat some nuts every day.
12. Eat fresh and whole foods
13. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day..
14. Take some really seriously deep breaths every day.
15. Exfoliating your skin is a must!
16. Stretch your form.
17. Teeth whiteners are quick and easy!
18. Stick with a nice neutral or have a French manicure.
19. Perfumes and body sprays are a nice way to add a touch of care and pleasantness to our day.
20. Exercise your eyes.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Go through our life transitions with grace!
Diva Naomi - by gallopinto on
Random "tips and tricks" to help you be your best self at any age!
Feel good about who you are!
I will list 10 items daily. Soon you we will make them all a habit.
1st day
1. Smile! Smile a lot! Nothing is more attractive than a genuine heartfelt smile!
2. Get a lot of anti-oxidants into your body.
3. Don't wear short skirts
4. Earrings can add a nice touch to your look.
5. The darker the lipstick, the deeper the wrinkles appear.
6. Keep your hair shiny.
7. Dark pants are more flattering for nearly everyone.
8. Unless you are twenty pounds UNDER weight, straight legs are a no.
9. Move your body.
10. Get enough sleep!
Full article at
Saturday, March 28, 2009
All Surf Girls from Team Costa Rica are from Puerto Viejo - Limon
Surf's Up!!! Assia's world!!! - by gallopinto on
(23/03) with eyes to win the 12 place achieved last year in
The athletes are:
Ariel Agüero 14/09/91
Carlos Muñoz 10/05/92
Maykol Torres 24/05/92
Danny Bishko 18/11/91
Tomas King 03/11/95
Carlos Muñoz 28/01/93
Jordan Hernández 24/01/93
Anthony Fillingin 18/10/93
Noé Mar McGonagle 17/04/96
Josué Rodríguez 20/09/95
Nataly Bernold 11/0/93
Elisa Luna 12/08/93
Anastasia Bissinger
Marcela García 31/07/96
We must underline, highlight the fact that all three girls representing
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Let out your animal instincts!!!!
I know is hard to confront the day sometimes when thing get difficult. I have found that what I wear helps me with the attitude of the day. I no longer take getting dress lightly. Choose animal prints to bring the tiger out, when thing are getting to overwhelming. It works for me and I'm sure it will work for you. Balance it out with your favorite tones. Animal prints pretty much match with any color!!! Don't over do it and go get them!!!!
Gallo Pinto
africa twice - by gallopinto on
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Don't be Afraid of Summer Rommance
Here, there and everywhere! I love it!!! Summer colors make me ecstatic! You must take them in and fill your self with them to the core of your soul. My husband is busy at Playa Chiquita Lodge getting ready for the week end. My husband will open "the restaurant" this week end with all his divine food. I will stick to my diet but I would lie if I tell you that I will not sip some wine and enjoy the beach, as well to its fullest. Here is my polyvore to depict my state of mind. Have a wonderful romantic week end. Enjoy life and remember “we are the architects of our life’s” Don't be afraid - Be an artist and enjoy it to its fullest Lv
Gallo Pinto
Don't be Afraid of Summer Romance - by gallopinto on
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Scritching is Not what you do to your enemies!!!!
Free as a bird - by gallopinto on
To Scritch is to stimulate the scalp by using a comb hence stimulating scalp and hairs.
I will try it, I bet it feels amazing. My general rule in using a comb on my bare scalp to either “scritch/scratch” will not allow me to fully enjoy this treatment as pre cribbed in Mane & Chick however she give an alternate solution which I find fully satisfying “ The use of a satin bonnet or some sort of barrier”
An than follow the next steps:
- Prep hair with a hair oil (something with rosemary/peppermint essential oils)
- Gather hair into ponytail at nape of neck
- Put on satin skull cap, plastic cap (on wet hair or if baggy-ing), or satin bonnet
- Take a ball-ended paddle brush, my fingers or Jilbere shower comb and scritch like there's no tomorrow: move brush in a zig zag pattern vigourously covering entire head
- Do this for as long as you can stand. (I do 5-10 minutes DAILY! I try to.)
And as she explains with details its benefits
Scritching has many benefits:
- Cleanses scalp by exfoliating dandruff, debris and dead cells
- Remedies hair loss
- Encourages hair growth
I will start scratching today!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Going to the opera on a tuesday afternoon
I am not sure what it is about the opera. It takes you to a dream state of mind. I love the smell of all Theaters, the dim lighting and people excitement. Than the start of the show, whatever it might be. There is the nervousness of the hosts and the expectations of the observer. Than, depending on the connections and the qualities of talents there are those magical moments that make you feel as if you just went somewhere out and beyond.
I love to enjoy a glass of wine afterwards or between, just to stand and breath the moment. Enjoy it to its fullest. A cup of wine never tastes the same anywhere else. When I walk out of the theater I feel taller, straighter, I feel special for I was in a special place. This are the moments when I grin ear to ear. Time stands still and dreams, hopes and wishes are intertwine and made reality...I hope you take a moment to enjoy the Theater, It really is special!!! Make sure you wear your best garments in your wardrobe and don't hold back. Go all out you really are worth it!!
Opera night - by gallopinto on
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Don't say it with words.......Say it with colors
I have no words to share today. I lost a diamond, my car is at the mechanic and planets are in “retrograde”. It seams that Scorpion is showing up around 3pm and to top it all is Friday the 13th a lucky day for some and contrary for other...I rather stay neutral and just in case, brighten up a bit to fill my self with positive energy. Have A fabulous week end...
why be shy? have fun - by gallopinto on
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Listen to the rain...

I figure maybe its meaning will help me focuse on a different prespective rather than normal feelings of total deslike, deprivation, wetness, etc. I found various meanings andI hope they will help us all accept it, by keeping this things in mind.
Have a great "wet" day - Don't forget your blaks and focuse on your feminine powers and look to the North...oooh yeap..bring un umbrela!
The color of Water’s is black and its direction north. This is a good time to remind you that Feng Shui literally means “wind” and “water,” so you can see that water is a meaningful element in our lives. Wind is said to disperse chi and water holds it. We are all mostly made up of water, as is the planet we live on.
Water is where life is thought to have originated and it’s important for reproduction, without it it’s difficult for fertilization to take place.
Water is the most plentiful element on the surface of our planet. Our bodies contain more water than anything else. Therefore, it’s obviously extremely important. To work best, water needs to move or flow. Stagnant water breeds rotting things and doesn’t fare well in any environment.
Water in feng shui is usually used in a fountain or aquarium. Even very small decorative fountains for indoors can be very helpful. However, when using water in your environment, keep it fresh and clean.
Listen to the rain - by gallopinto on
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pineapple Girl - Bold and Beautiful
...and Thinking on that courageous friend of my daughter I made this collage. Bold and Beautiful just like Eryka Badu. We are the new generation of Black women with courage to be our selves!!!
pineapple girl - by gallopinto on
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Nappy is “In” - hiding is out

My daughter came home yesterday from school and told me a “ Sad Bad Hair Story” – A black girl, friend of hers, wears her hair natural. Their friends asked her to come to school that day with her natural hair out, for she always wears it in braids, I guess!! To everyone’s surprise and my daughters absolute rage, their teacher, also a black woman but with totally relaxed hair and wearing a fake piece of flowing fake curls sliding down to her back, told the girl to do something about her messy nappy hair. She said to relax it and tie it back. Why? Everyone asked. Because we black woman can’t go around looking all messy and crazy looking. Now, this is a Catholic school, all girls must wear their hair proper and neat, meaning nothing fancy. For any white girl this means a simple pony, pig or bunny tails or just loose, but away from the face. Now a black girl with natural nappy hair this means usually relax it to look like the white girl hair and tie it back!!! I don’t think so!
The right thing to do is just as she had done it - tie a wide band in the front to keep it away from her eyes to show her pretty face and than let it’s natural kinkiness stay quiet in back. Nothing messy! Why oh why are black woman so stubbornly and sadly offended by their own natural hair, preferring plastic long hair or relaxed hair, full of chemicals over their vast, kinky natural head of hair. My hat off to this new generation of young “tico” ( Costa Rican) black girls that can stand up and say no more hiding behind what I’m not and embracing the natural Me! – See the new black woman of this century is passing all of that! She stand up and runs for first lady of USA, she stand up and runs for president of Costa Rica, she stands up and sing, model and study with her natural beauty showing freely as saying - I don’t need to pretend to be in order to fit in. I no longer need to hide and be quiet in order to receive acceptance. I am who I am and when you look at me you’ll see generations and generations of black women that needed to hide so I could shine!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Lets eas into summer
city spring - by gallopinto on
I am one that loves colors for my walls but when it come to my wardrobe I shake to the sight of too much color. So I prefer to introduce a basic color to influence me and eas me down to the bright summer. Here it is turquoise. It goes beautiful with that bright metallic blue and it welcomes my grays and blacks with delight. Happy spring time!!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
My Perfect Summer
Summer Fresh - by gallopinto on
My list of twelve essentials for the summer
1. The Boyfriend Jeans… is the new trend
2. The white button up shirt… is a must
3. The designer bag… you can’t be without
4. The little black…is for always your best friend
5. The good pair of sunglasses… give you the attitude
6. The ballerinas slippers gray, black beige help…a lot
7. The beach thongs & leather fancy rhinestones ones… are necessary
8. The black button up sweater …can help any cool night
9. The kaki shorts…help you keep it cool
10. The pumps… sexier the better
11. The white tang top… as many as possible
12. A summer cotton dress… is the cherry on top
They say grey is the new black which means accessories should follow the trend as well. If boyfriend’s old jeans are the new trend than lets consider big, bright & the spectrum of blues for our summer bag one that fits your body size, of course! Sunglasses you can either go for a black oversize or of course gray if you dare. Add fun, color and adventure with the flip flops. The pumps must be flexible to your accessories and considered to your bag. To give the infamous little black a rest for change lets try a daring little Gray for our summer dress. Taking all of this in consideration….have fun shopping for your summer essentials!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Old Rendes-vouz in Jamaica
meet me in jamaica - by gallopinto on
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